Impact Summit

The Impact Summit

A gathering of talented and passionate students and early-career technologists from around the world to connect with one another, hear from expert speakers, learn new skills, and discover high-impact opportunities.

The fifth annual Impact Summit will be held in person this August 13-14, 2022 in New York City! Most sessions will be recorded, and some talks will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

We are no longer accepting applications for the summit this year, but subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch the livestreams of the talks and see the recordings after they've been uploaded!

Impact Summit

About the Summit

The Impact Summit unites young people who are passionate about technology and social good, while connecting them with entrepreneurs, civic activists, and thought leaders who are leveraging technology for social impact.

​In addition to creating a strong community of students and professionals passionate about technology and social good, the summit provides an opportunity for students to find meaningful career opportunities and ignite the ideas that will create a more equitable, sustainable world!

Our mission

Our mission is to bring together the most eager and optimistic minds to authentically form long-lasting relationships, learn together about the challenges we face, and ultimately work with one another to build a more just world.​

We invite all who are compelled by that vision. This can mean computer science students who want to use their skills for social good; young entrepreneurs who hope to start companies that solve big, sticky problems; and passionate activists, policy makers, and philosophers fighting for a more humane technological society.

Anyone who thinks critically about the challenges we’re facing in the 21st century and has the guts to do something about them is encouraged to attend!

Audience listening to speaker at impact summit

Find Your Dream Job

Our mission is to demystify the path to a career in tech for social good by providing meaningful, accessible, actionable opportunities in the space.


Connect with Each Other

We reserve lots of time for group discussions and more relaxed time to hang with one another!

Impact Summit 2019 attendees smiling and getting goofy

Why should I participate?

So many reasons! We're building a community of ambitious, like-minded students who have the chance to connect with social entrepreneurs, mentors, career opportunities, and capital. We want you to leave the conference feeling like you took one giant step closer to your future at the intersection of tech and social good. Maybe that's because you won some prize money for a venture you've already been working on. Or maybe it's because you found your next internship. Or maybe it's because you made a best friend for the summer. Whatever it is, we want to be a part of making that possible!

What can I expect?

Lots of learning, lots of laughter, and lots of kind people; really interesting conversations on life, the universe, and everything; a dope virtual career fair with some awesome high-impact companies; great talks from super cool people (including your peers)!

Who can attend?

Anyone who thinks critically about the challenges we’re facing in the 21st century and has the guts to do something about them!

Who has spoken at previous Impact Summits?

So glad you asked! See our programming packets from 2018, 2019 (Day 1 and Day 2), 2020, and 2021 for a complete list of all past speakers.

When and where will the 2022 Impact Summit be taking place?

The summit will be held on August 13th and 14th in New York City. The exact address will be given to registered attendees. Events that can be broadcast virtually will be shared on our YouTube channel.

Help! I’m still confused! Where can I ask more questions?

We’ve got you covered! Reach out to and we’ll respond as quickly as we can. :)